dynamic components illustrated

In the wave of JavaScript frameworks and libraries, Vue.js has steadily been gaining popularity due to its simplicity and ease of use. It is a robust framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. Let’s delve into a highly useful feature of Vue.js – dynamic component rendering.

Imagine you are building a Vue.js application where you need to display different components based on certain conditions. Maybe you have a sidebar that changes its content based on the user’s current view. You could handle this using v-if or v-show directives, but this can quickly become cumbersome as your application grows. Enter Vue.js’s dynamic components.

Vue.js provides us with a special <component> tag that, with the help of the is attribute, can dynamically render different components based on the current state of your application.

Here’s a basic example:

    <button @click="currentComponent = 'componentA'">Show Component A</button>
    <button @click="currentComponent = 'componentB'">Show Component B</button>
    <component :is="currentComponent"></component>

import ComponentA from './ComponentA.vue';
import ComponentB from './ComponentB.vue';

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      currentComponent: 'componentA',
  components: {
    componentA: ComponentA,
    componentB: ComponentB,

In the example above, we have two buttons that, when clicked, change the value of currentComponent. The <component> tag uses the is attribute to determine which component to render based on the value of currentComponent.

You can even pass props to your dynamic components like so:

<component :is="currentComponent" :someProp="propValue"></component>

This is a very basic example, but dynamic components can be used in much more complex scenarios, such as rendering different form inputs based on user selections, or displaying different layouts based on user preferences. Let’s explore an example of displaying different layouts:

First, let’s define two layout components: LightLayout.vue and DarkLayout.vue.


  <div class="light-layout">

export default {
  name: 'LightLayout'

<style scoped>
.light-layout {
  background-color: white;
  color: black;


  <div class="dark-layout">

export default {
  name: 'DarkLayout'

<style scoped>
.dark-layout {
  background-color: black;
  color: white;

In both components, we are using the slot element to allow child components to be inserted.

Next, let’s create the main App.vue component where the layout will be switched based on user preference:

    <button @click="toggleLayout">Toggle layout</button>
    <component :is="currentLayout">
      <!-- Insert the rest of your app here -->

import LightLayout from './LightLayout.vue';
import DarkLayout from './DarkLayout.vue';

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      currentLayout: 'LightLayout',
      layouts: {
  components: {
  methods: {
    toggleLayout() {
      this.currentLayout = this.currentLayout === 'LightLayout' ? 'DarkLayout' : 'LightLayout';

In this example, we are toggling the layout based on a button click. However, you can easily modify the toggleLayout method to switch layouts based on any user preference or application state.

Vue.js’s dynamic components provide a powerful way to keep your code DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself). However, like all powerful tools, they should be used judiciously. Dynamic components can make your code harder to follow if overused, so be mindful of balancing code clarity with DRY principles.

Now, you are equipped with another tool in your Vue.js arsenal. Go out there and make the best out of your newfound knowledge!