
In the past 2 weeks or so, I've had the pleasure of working with Meteor.

Meteor is a full stack JavaScript framework, that concentrates on being intuitive, wicked fast, and seamlessly integrate between back & front end.

In the future I'll write some Meteor tutorials & examples based on this app I've built.

The App's name is Meteoro - Pomodoro App on Meteor.

Pomodoro - a time management method that works by dividing your tasks into work time and breaks:

  • Choose a task
  • Start a Pomodoro timer (usually 25 minutes), work on the task without distractions (important!)
  • Take a Short Break (5 minutes)
  • Start another Pomodoro timer
  • After 4 Pomodoros (wrong plural form, I know), take a Long Break (25 minutes)

This is a nice way to divide your tasks up to units of time, and keep track on how much time each task needed.

Meteoro gives you a super clean interface with 3 timers: Pomodoro, Short Break, and Long Break.
Together with a lovely picture of a tomato, you get to work on your stuff distraction free, and the time is clearly visible on the page AND the title field!

It's possible to Sign In with Twitter, in order to save how many Pomodoros & Breaks you've done, saving the time & date for each of those is still on the TODO.

Some visuals:

See the App Here

See the Code Repository Here