Hello Everyone!
So, for the passed couple of days I’ve been busy,
too busy (unfortunately) to make any updates.
What I can say is that I’ve been at a party on Saturday.
In a pub called Jungfer, in a small city called Arnstadt (RULEZ!), near Erfürt.
The party was AWESOME! There was about 6 Bands playing
(I might’ve missed the count from all the beer I was drinking).
Everything from Metal to Elektro Pop (Ravetology!#$#$)

I hope I can get some pictures up ahead because I forgot
to take my camera (it was half intentional because I was worried
to lose it when being drunk & partying)..
However I was taking loads of pictures with my good friend’s camera..
Still waiting for those..

Today I’ve been working most of the day so I’m kinda drained.
I was even able to do some bureaucracy to advance my chances
for an apartment (does Schufa mean anything to anyone?)..

Perhaps tomorrow I'll have a successful apartment search, we'll see.
